Tone of Voice in Copywriting for Brands

Who Are You Talking To?

A course by Paul Anglin , Copywriter and Creative Director

Copywriter and Creative Director. Madrid, Spain.
Joined February 2015

Discover your unique brand voice by exploring copywriting principles and creating a style guide to keep your tone consistent across all mediums

  • 98% positive reviews (53)
  • 3158 students
  • Audio: English
  • English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch

About the video: Who Are You Talking To?


“Who you're talking to will have an impact on how you talk. So, spend some time thinking about your audience. Then, you can shape your tone of voice accordingly.”

In this video lesson Paul Anglin addresses the topic: Who Are You Talking To?, which is part of the Domestika online course: Tone of Voice in Copywriting for Brands. Discover your unique brand voice by exploring copywriting principles and creating a style guide to keep your tone consistent across all mediums.

Partial transcription of the video

“ Who Are You Talking To? You know who you are and how you talk but think about that for a second. Do you talk the same to every person? I would imagine not. If you think about how you talk to a partner, a friend, a parent, a colleague, a supervisor, a manager, or the CEO, you'll talk to all those people differently. All of those are parts of your own tone of voice. It's this idea of flexing and modulating that comes into tone of voice all the time. To get a bit more understanding of that, we'll do a little exercise that helps you understand how you might tweak the way you talk depending on...”

This transcript is automatically generated, so it may contain mistakes.

85% Disc. Original price $39.99USD

Course summary for: Tone of Voice in Copywriting for Brands

  • Level: Beginner
  • 98% positive reviews (53)
  • 3158 students
  • 4 units
  • 13 lessons (2h 41m)
  • Category

    Marketing & Business, Writing
  • Areas

    Advertising, Communication, Copywriting, Storytelling, Writing

Paul Anglin

A course by Paul Anglin

Teacher Plus
Copywriter and Creative Director

Paul Anglin is a senior copywriter and tone of voice consultant with over twenty years of experience based in Madrid, Spain. Since 2016, he has run his own studio, Craft Copywriting, where he works alongside his team writing for brands such as Nike, Apple, Microsoft, and Dunlop Sports.

He creates copy for digital media, app development, mobile, and print formats for agencies and brands in both London and Madrid. He also teaches copywriting for Master’s students at Madrid’s IE University.

  • 98% positive reviews (53)
  • 3158 students
  • 13 lessons (2h 41m)
  • 20 additional resources (8 files)
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Available on the app
  • Audio: English
  • English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch
  • Level: Beginner
  • Unlimited access forever

Tone of Voice in Copywriting for Brands. Marketing, Business, and Writing course by Paul Anglin

Tone of Voice in Copywriting for Brands

A course by Paul Anglin
Copywriter and Creative Director. Madrid, Spain.
Joined February 2015
  • 98% positive reviews (53)
  • 3158 students