
Free Checklist for Your Email Marketing Strategy

Do you want to engage with your subscribers and get them excited for what they’ve signed up to? Check out this checklist

A welcome email is what your subscribers get sent when they sign up to your emails. It’s an automatic email that can be set up inside your email marketing software. It’s an excellent opportunity to welcome people to your list and engage with your audience.

Alice Benham (@alice_benham) is a multi-hyphenate business coach who helps business owners grow their online presence using a value-driven strategy. In her course, she guides you through each step of crafting the ideal online strategy to level up your business for exponential growth.

Alice Benham is a multi-hyphenate business coach who helps business owners grow their online presence.

Email marketing is an incredibly important part of your strategy. Alice shows you how to make it appealing to your audience and how often to send emails to your list.

Alice teaches you how to make email marketing appealing to your audience.
Alice teaches you how to make email marketing appealing to your audience.

In this resource, Alice provides you with a checklist of everything your welcome email should cover. Learn how to present yourself and get your subscriber familiar with what to expect from your future emails.

Preview of the 8 pages PDF.
Preview of the 8 pages PDF.

After clicking on the button below, you will find a file in .pdf format in the Downloads folder on your computer containing the Free Welcome Email Checklist, by Alice Benham.

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Sign up to Alice Benham’s course Digital Marketing Strategy: Build Your Online Presence.

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