Yukai Du is a Chinese-born illustrator and animation director based in the UK. Since she was an animation student in Guang Zhou Academy of Fine Arts, she found her passion in creating crafty illustration and animation digitally. Graduated from Central Saint Martins London in 2014, she has been exploring and establishing her work in both still and moving images with her unique style. Yukai's inspiration for her work lies somewhere in the dichotomy of Impressionism, the dash of lines and layering of dots to create a surface, combined with a love for geometric shapes and playful vibrant patterns. Her clients include Adobe, Apple, WeTransfer, LUSH, the New Yorker, TED Talks etc. She also received a few international awards such as 3X3 Illustration Best of Show (Student Show), Adobe Design Award Honourable Mention and a D&AD New Blood Wood Pencil.
Hand-Drawn Digital Animation: Bring Illustrations to Life
Transform your unique drawings into playful motion graphics with Photoshop, After Effects, and Animate
A course by Yukai Du, Illustrator and Animator
Buy $0.99USD 95% Disc.Original price $19.99USD -
Animated Transitions with 2D Illustration & After Effects
Create seamless and organic animated transitions from scratch by exploring color, shape, texture, pattern, and timing using both analog and digital techniques
A course by Yukai Du, Illustrator and Animator
Buy $0.99USD 95% Disc.Original price $19.99USD
Professional listing
- Yukai Du – @yukai_du
- Illustrator, Animator
- www.yukaidu.com
- Open to job opportunities, freelance