Santiago Mollajoli

Santiago Mollajoli

Passionate about what I do. Always challenging myself and trying to learn for future steps. Can’t be sitting on a desk doing repetitive tasks, I need to move, envolve, advance. Love frontend, design and illustration.

Montevideo, Uruguay

Santiago Mollajoli

Passionate about what I do. Always challenging myself and trying to learn for future steps. Can’t be sitting on a desk doing repetitive tasks, I need to move, envolve, advance. Love frontend, design and illustration.
I have a degree in graphic design and been working on the industry for 10+ years.

Professional listing

  • Santiago Mollajoli – @mojotec
  • Passionate about what I do. Always challenging myself and trying to learn for future steps. Can’t be sitting on a desk doing repetitive tasks, I need to move, envolve, advance. Love frontend, design and illustration.
  • Open to job opportunities, freelance

Joined February 2018