Tommaso Villa

Tommaso Villa

Front End Designer - UI Developer

Tarifa, Spain

Tommaso Villa

Hi, i am a Front end Designer / UI Developer. I am responsible for implementing visual elements that users see and interact with in a web application. I enjoy combine the art of design with the art of programming. I have been working with the Node and Rails stack as a UI developer on projects of significant size ( views, large well-organized styles and javascript).
I have have mastered CSS, HTML, SASS and the SCSS syntax and i am able to deliver web experiences regardless the viewport, browser vendor or device in use.
My knowledge of JavaScript is good and i have some understanding of modern frontend frameworks such as React.
My strong experience is on how to structure the CSS code to maximize scalability and reduce code duplication and RWD techniques with proven experience on implementing RWD grid systems, by my own or third-party such as Susy.
I am very familiar with CSS pre-processors and post-processors and other frontend task runners: Gulp, Grunt, WebPack, PostCSS. Very Proficient with Git.


Professional listing


Joined January 2019