Something I started doing before taking this course was limit my meetings and calls to Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Since writing is a big part of my job, I've allocated Wednesdays and Fridays as my writing days, as well as time on Monday mid-morning. I find with the number of meetings I have on a weekly basis, it works better for me to consolidate them into one or two days a week, which frees up more time during the week where I can work on the tasks that require uninterrupted attention.
1 comment
Something I started doing before taking this course was limit my meetings and calls to Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Since writing is a big part of my job, I've allocated Wednesdays and Fridays as my writing days, as well as time on Monday mid-morning. I find with the number of meetings I have on a weekly basis, it works better for me to consolidate them into one or two days a week, which frees up more time during the week where I can work on the tasks that require uninterrupted attention.
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