Paula Gonzalez
Mamá de Greta y Otto 👨👩👧👦
Exploradora y cazadora de ideas💡
Busca 🔎
Lifelong learner 📖
Mamá full time 💸
Un poco ácida 🍋
Drama fan 📺
Despeinada 💇♀️
Home Styling and Decoration with Plants
A course by Igor & Judith - Urban Jungle Bloggers
Craft, Architecture, and Spaces
Interior Design for Beginners: Decorating with Plants
A course by Ale de la Cerda (LENPO)
Architecture, Spaces, and Craft
Professional listing
- Paula Gonzalez – @paula_v_gonzalez
- Capacitación | Comunicación | Emprendedora botánica
- Open to job opportunities, freelance
Joined March 2019