pq el flash va mas lento en mac que en pc?
2 seguidores
Hola a todos supongo que no es algo nuevo y que todos lo habreis notado pero es una cosa que me fastidia mucho:
Porque con~o el flash va mas lento en mac que en pc?
Tengo un PB12" release 2 y se supone que es una cosa potente cuando me pongo con el actionscript me va mas lento que en un p3 733 no creo que sea una cosa del ordenador si no del propio flash (aparte de no hablar del empacho de recursos con el que termina el flash MX 2004)
Si "mac es mejor para ambientes de diseño" porque no estan mas optimizadas las aplicaciones?
No se contad vuestra experiencia personal a ver si es que soy yo o es una cosa general....
la fayette
"Actually, it has to do with Mac OS more than anything else. With nothing else open, run a SWF in the Flash player (not the browser). It will run *significantly* faster. Now, there are a lot of issues involved with why Flash runs relatively slowly on the Mac, but one of the biggest is MacOS. It's simply not very good at multitasking, which it obviously has to do when Flash is playing in the browser. Couple that with MacOSs innane memory management and nearly all apps that don't utilize mac-specific optimizations like altivec run slow in comparison. Oh, and I'll see if I can find it, but I have an email around here somewhere that fully explains why the Flash plugin can't take advantage of altivec units... (if I remember correctly, rendering flash animations just doesn't require the kind of math that altivec speeds up so nicely in those horrible Photoshop benchmarks Apple loves throwing around)"
"Not intending to start a 'mac vs pc' war but it *does* seem that Macs are just not good delivery machines for certain Flash. Which basically omits macs a cross platform player for the intense stuff being produced.
Those G4's play stuff about as well as my 200mghz pc's with 32mb of ram. And those Photoshop benchmarks Steve Jobs threw around - I never bought into those either.
. . . but is it not possible to make a player for the mac that behaves the same as the pc player? Even if it is a bigger download? As flash continues it's trek toward further ubiquity is interest in the player performing the same on the two platforms an issue or is it a 'maybe macs will go away' kinda thing."