Hamburg-based Vincent finds it tricky to explain just what he does, as he does so much. Call him a 3D designer, an artist, a director, a motion graphics designer, a motion designer… or even just someone who makes TV ads, it’s all true. But those titles don’t really even do justice to what Vincent does create: futuristic, candy-coloured blobs, perfectly designed tools and glossy shapes and creatures, impeccably finished. From album sleeves to corporate branding projects, or from conference identities to animations, Vincent’s skillset can really be applied to anything. He’d like to keep it that way, too. “I am super happy that I have the possibility to choose my clients and that I most of the time can express myself in a creative way,” he says. “The more freedom and the more artistic, the more excited I get about the job.”
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Spielerisches 3D-Design und Animation von organischen Objekten
Erkunde Cinema 4D sowie weitere Grafikprogramme und lerne, weiche und organische Animationsobjekte und -szenen zu erstellen
Ein Kurs von Vincent Schwenk, 3D-Künstler und Designer
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- Vincent Schwenk – @vincentschwenk