
Hello there! My name is Ciara a.k.a PRETTY STRANGE. I’m an independent artist specializing in lettering, illustration, murals, and hand-embroidery. In 2017, I started Pretty Strange Design with a mission to make eye-popping, beautiful, and offbeat creations that inject imagination into everyday life.

I’m always seeking to make work that is well-crafted and intriguing, but also deeply thoughtful and socially-conscious. I take my role as an artist, encourager, and truth-teller to heart.

I’ve been featured by Insider, Better Homes & Gardens, Frankie, and PopSugar and some of my past clients include Cosmopolitan, Verizon, Madewell, Ann Taylor LOFT, and Facebook.

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  • Handgesticktes Lettering: Kreiere tragbare Kunst

    Entwirf ausdrucksstarke Lettering-Kompositionen und lerne, deine Kleidung mit gestickten Schriftzügen per Hand zu personalisieren

    Ein Kurs von Ciara, Multidisziplinärer Künstler und Designer

    85% Rabatt Originalpreis $39.99USD


Mitglied seit Mai 2021