Paul Ferragut
Lehrkraft Plus

Paul Ferragut

Avignon, Frankreich

Paul Ferragut

I am a new media artist and creative technologist exploring digital art through interactive installations.

My area of research is creative coding, physical interaction, the humanization of technology, and collaborations with other artistic disciplines.

Through personal artworks and convivial, the experiential studio I co-founded, I am aiming to focus on interdisciplinary collaborations to suggest disruptive experiences. My work bridge the physical and digital worlds to create stories and spectacular experiences to emotionally engage with.

Lehrer von

  • Kreatives Programmieren: Immersive Kunst mit openFrameworks

    Lerne die Grundlagen der C++-Programmierung und kreatives Programmieren, um eindrucksvolle Formen und Loops für künstlerische Installationen zu animieren

    Ein Kurs von Paul Ferragut, Multimedia-Künstler und Spezialist für kreative Technologien

    85% Rabatt Originalpreis $39.99USD



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