Nolwen Cifuentes

Nolwen is a photographer & director born and raised in the suburbs of Southern California. She lives and works in Los Angeles. Nolwen's approach to portraiture is to create a safe setting and allow people to feel comfortable with who they are. She likes to meet people at the energy they’re at in the moment, never forcing anything.

Nolwen loves teaching as much a she does taking photos. She runs an Instagram account where she helps freelance creatives take control of their finances.

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  • Gruppenporträts fotografieren für Anfänger

    Erkunde Styling, Beleuchtung, Komposition, Bewegung und Farbe, um eindrucksvolle Gruppenfotos zu machen, die die Energie der einzelnen Personen einfangen

    Ein Kurs von Nolwen Cifuentes, Werbe- und Editorial-Fotografin

    85% Rabatt Originalpreis $39.99USD


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