Cécile Berrubé
Hi! My name is Cécile Berrubé and I’m a french illustrator/painter based in Scotland. When I’m not in my little studio I like going for walks in the woods or the hills and take pictures of birds and plants. I’m deeply inspired by Nature and cosy moments of simple life. I mostly work with gouache but I also enjoy experimenting with pencils and watercolour. I always carry a little sketchbook with me!
My main source of inspiration are animals, I love making character study pages and drawing them with different postures and expressions.
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Gouache: Naturwelten aus der Fantasie malen
Fange die Magie der Natur mit Gouache ein und male skurrile Welten voller liebenswerter Tierfiguren
Ein Kurs von Cécile Berrubé, Malerin und Illustratorin
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Berufliche Info
- Cécile Berrubé – @cecileberrube
- www.cecileberrube.com
Mitglied seit August 2021