Zach Grosser
Professor Plus

Zach Grosser

Presentation Designer

Amsterdã, Países Baixos

Zach Grosser

Managing Director of Zacht Studios, the Presentation Design Agency — helping ambitious companies tell their story and raise funding. Prior to founding Zacht Studios, I was head of Design Education at Figma and Communications Design at Square.

I have been a presentation designer for ten years and have been instructing across tools, slide creation, and presenting in various forms along the way.

Professor de

  • Design de apresentações para pessoas criativas

    Crie histórias em slides visionários e eficazes para apresentar melhor seus serviços criativos

    Um curso de Zach Grosser, Designer de apresentações

    85% Desc. Preço original $39.99USD


Ingressou em Maio de 2022