Silvio Nieddu

I always loved storytelling, cinema and animations. I discovered for the first time the possibility to make animations while playing with Dpaint IV AGA in the amiga in the 90's. Somehow at the beginning of the 2000 I stopped creating animations and drawings with that software. We did not possess a fast connection and at that time probably I was focused more on school, and on assumptions that was better to study and follow a "regular" career path. I stopped believing in the media, pushed by external pressure that should not have listened to. However, recently, thanks to another job that gave me the opportunity to be indipendent, I decided to pursue my childhood dreams. While I'm writing this I'm 35 and I believe I can do it. Never too late to pursue your passions. Wish me luck!


Perfil profissional

Ingressou em Abril de 2020