Flash en tv
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Hola a todos!!!
He de hacer un cd-rom interactivo. una presentación con imágenes y videos que va a ser expuesta en una pantalla de tv de plasma.
¿A que tamaño debería hacer la película flash? ¿a cuantos frames por segundo debe ir la película?, etc. En definitiva, necesito un poco de información para realizar un trabajo flash predestinado a presentarse en tv.
la fayette
He encontrado unos apuntes que tenia por ahi, no me acuerdo de donde los saque, pero espero que respondan a algunas de tus preguntas:
Flash to TV notes
1, Tone down your color palette, flash colors are too saturated and will bleed on screen.
* more
2, After Effects has filters for both PAL and NTSC to set your colour balance
3, Do not use true white as your background.
4, No hairline horizontal lines, they will appear to flicker.
5, Use a codec that uses fields, not interlacing.
6, PAL framerate is 25fps dimensions 720x576
7, Movie clips do not play when you export to a time-based format, such as video.
8, To get Flash to video you must output a pixel based format, such as QuickTime, avi or a numbered bmp sequence.
9, A good choice when outputting numbered bmp sequence is .png. It doesn?t dump colour information to allow for compression and also Exports with an Alpha Channel which = a transparent background.
10, TVs show the images twice, once for upper field and once for lower field. You must double the rate NTSC = 60 frames per second. PAL = 50 frames per second. If you do not you will see visible flickering on screen.
11, NTSC (National Television Systems Committee)-USA-525 scan lines-30 frames per second.
PAL (Phase Alternation by Line)- Europe, Africa and Asia- 625 lines- 25 frames per second.
FILM = 24 frames per second.
Digital TV = 1024 x 576 pixels for wide screen but usually you still
need to observe normal Academy (4:3 = 720x 576) safe titling
and action
* more about this to follow in a link- ie--
D1 (or Digital Video or CCIR-601 or ITU-R 601.... wibble wibble) has a 4:3 frame aspect ratio at 720x576 (D1 PAL) or 720x486 screen resolution (D1 NTSC).
D1 use non-square pixels, instead of the square pixels that computers use. So you could well be working in 768x576 at 4:3 and outputting at 720x576 from something like Avid or After effects.
720x576 is what you see on your TV (PAL) anyway.
12, Output to .swf and using QuickTime pro add the codec that compliments your editing system, render out from QuickTime pro.
13, You can delete the flash palette and build your own using RGB numbers.
14, For printed storyboards use one frame per drawing in Flash and
select "Print Margins"from the file menu to set the storyboard
page ("Layout"print all and select storyboard - box grid or blank
depending on your requirements)
15, Flash has memory leak problems, files that get too big become
unplayable and in some cases un openable.
16, In the layer properties you can increase the individual layer
display by up to 300%. This helps when scrubbing the
soundtrack (soundtrack must be streamed to allow scrubbing)
17, You can also preview the content instead of normal keyframes
on the timeline. Click and hold the tiny HH symbol to the right of
the timeline to alter the timeline's appearance. Preview shows a
thumbnail of the artwork and preview in context shows the
thumbnailed scaled to the stage..
Muchísimas gracias, voy a echarle un vistazo, creo que hay bastante información y me servirá.
Gracias !!