Anita de Austria

Anita de Austria


Ibiza, España

Anita de Austria

Born in 1987, she is graduated in Journalism at Complutense Univertsity of Madrid. Is during a scolarship in Portugal, that she discovers Photography and Photojournalism studying at High School of Communication and Media Studies of the Lisbon Polytechnic Institute for a year in 2009. Afterwards she increases her studies as film documentarist at Blankpaper School in Madrid, studying also Film Developing and Digital Retouching. She becomes Photographer and Videographer in the island of Ibiza, working as freelance in many different scenes since 2013. She loves to tell stories and communicate as a wisdom of life, keeping the memories and writting the history for those who come after us. Multitasking woman, she is an art lover, doing performances as an actress, choir singer, voice for commercials, copy writter and web content developer, fanzine's editor and production coordinator. Anilogica is her most artistic project, creating handmade photographies through cans and boxes using pinhole techniques and other analogic experiments.

Ficha profesional


Se unió en marzo de 2011