Evan Lorenzen
Teacher Plus

Evan Lorenzen

Denver, United States

Evan Lorenzen

Evan Lorenzen (Art and Such Evan) is a multi-disciplinary artist that resides in Denver, Colorado. He currently spends most of his time working on miniature illustrations, woodworking, and animation. To test his natural limits, Evan does not use any magnifying instruments during the miniature drawing process. Additionally, Evan considers it very awkward and unsettling to write biographies in the third person as he found out in the construction of this traditionally-styled artist’s bio.

Focusing on the relationships between painting and animation, he graduated in 2013 from Marlboro College with a Bachelor of the Arts. Evan worked as a designer at a screen printing shop in Denver before becoming a full-time artist and tattooer. He started exploring the realm of micro, handmade books, which led to his current interest in miniature illustrations- most of which are around 1 inch tall. Primarily working in pen and ink as well as watercolor, Evan currently finds himself influenced by mythology, medieval woodblock prints, cartoons, and the natural world.


  • Make a Tiny Book: Miniature Bookbinding and Illustration

    Learn how to tell your story intricately by making a teeny tiny book from scratch and filling it with precise, micro-scale illustrations

    A course by Evan Lorenzen, Multidisciplinary Artist

    85% Disc. Original price $39.99USD


Joined December 2021