Yaopey Yong

I'm an award-winning landscape and architecture photographer. Originally from Malaysia, I'm currently residing in the United Kingdom. My works have been featured in books, magazines, and exhibitions in London and New York. My photography represents a contemporary approach to landscape and architecture, examining age-old topics such as stillness, light, and the interplay of geometry through utilizing modern post-production techniques. Form, figure, and focus are a consistent theme throughout my oeuvre. My artworks exhibit both representational and impressionistic approaches, seeking to find and examine the balance between configuration, appearance, and impact.

Professor de

  • Teoria das cores na fotografia

    Descubra os segredos da harmonia e psicologia por trás das cores para criar imagens que transmitam emoções

    Um curso de Yaopey Yong, Fotógrafo de paisagens e arquitetura

    85% Desc. Preço original $39.99USD


Perfil profissional

Ingressou em Agosto de 2020