BICG is the union of talent from various disciplines applied to think, design and implement the Company Experience® in organizations.

We are economists, journalists, psychologists, sociologists, mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers, architects, biologists, artists, publicists, … Ultimately, we formed a multidisciplinary creative team with a common denominator: the pursuit of excellence in each project, regardless of the challenge involved.

In our almost 20 years of experience we have found that the most successful organizations are those that pay great attention to the experience of the employees, as well as to the customer experience, and also those that address these two factors in an integrated manner.

Through the Company Experience®

Ultimately, we change people´s lives through changing the organizations they work for. Implementing a new Company Experience we align the company’s goals with the reality that its different audiences live, using in the most appropriate way all the levers available and, specially, seamlessly linking them together. We transform the environment, the processes and above all, the culture of the company.

Ingressou em Setembro de 2018