Ignacio Palomo Duarte

Ignacio Palomo Duarte

User experience consultant

Jerez, Espanha

Ignacio Palomo Duarte

Hi there! Nice to meet you. I'm Ignacio, one of those User Experience designers that also have a Computer Science BsC — that allows me to have a deeper and holistic view of the whole project I'm involved with. I really enjoy projects where continuous integration and delivery are at the core of the team, because that allows very quick iterations with the full cycle of release, measure and learn.

I've been working within or in projects with ThoughtWorks, The Cooperative, Unicef, eDreams, United Nations, McDonalds, Cruz Roja Española or Asociación Española de Pediatría. I love dealing with frontend engineering best practices, user experience, research, usability, branding and messaging or user testing.

Perfil profissional

Ingressou em Dezembro de 2010