Thomas Jockin
I am the CEO of Readable Technologies. We detect dyslexia with just a webcam in 90 seconds. I am also Founder of TypeThursday. TypeThursday is a global superfamily that converges monthly to help one another improve our letterforms over drinks. In addition, I am an Adjunct Lecturer at City University of New York Queens College, City College and State University of New York Fashion Institute of Technology. Finally, I am a practicing typeface designer. Previous clients include Google, Express, Footlocker, and Michael Kors. My fonts are available on Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts, and other distributors for you to use.
Profesor de
Tipografía para diseñadores: fuentes para marketplaces
Aprende un método de investigación simple pero efectivo para crear tipografías únicas que comuniquen tu visión
Un curso de Thomas Jockin, Diseñador de fuentes
Comprar $0.99USD 95% Dto.Precio original $19.99USD
Ficha profesional
- Thomas Jockin – @thomas_jockin
Se unió en marzo de 2021