
Media.Monks is the purely digital operating brand of S4Capital plc that runs the creative gamut. Drawing on a comprehensive range of integrated, end-to-end services across content, data, media and technology, Media.Monks leads the world's most innovative and ambitious brands as they navigate the ceaseless transformation of digital. Representing a broad range of talent, we value digital-first thinking to deliver experiences that drive culture forward, from unearthing consumer insights via data to creating compelling content and ecosystems that serve them.

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  • Diseño holístico para productos digitales

    Aprende sobre el diseño holístico para productos digitales y entiende el impacto del diseño que traspasa la pantalla.

    Un curso de Media.Monks, Estudio de diseño de productos digitales y plataformas

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    95% Dto. Precio original $19.99USD


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Se unió en junio de 2022