Hello! I‘m Loraine. I‘m a Graphic and industrial designer specialist in areas of product innovation centered in
human, branding, ecodesign, product design concept (sketching and styling), UX/UI design, layout design,
creative illustration and information architecture. I‘m up to remote jobs.
I have job experience in costumer analysis and research projects with Universidad del Norte, drawing tutorials
(manual and digital). Also I work as a freelance product and interior design consultancy, information design
(infographics and graphic communication), branding, marketing and customer service.
In my personal skills, I consider myself as a very analytical person, perceptive, rational, with good aesthetic
sensitivity and leadership. I can define myself as a very passionate person who enjoys reading and learning
about culture and society‘s behavior. One of my main motivations is to create something that improves the
world (in small, medium or large scale).
I consider that graphic design is the future of communication: People who have this skills are essential for any
company. We are creating the future.
Ficha profesional
- Loraine Fontalvo – @loorainef
- www.behance.net/Lowfont