Edem Abbrey

Edem Abbrey

logo designer and a brand identity specialist

Acra, Ghana

Edem Abbrey

Graphic designing is in the detail even before vectorizing, the research, understanding what the need of the client is, what tool to use to bring out those pieces of information into a real world, how pragmatic the brand logo will exist in a real world, the colors, typography, and the business strategy to use. Graphic designing has shifted from the antiquity of sketching only to a more contemporary of digitizing. I am a graphic designer that seek to harmonize all these pieces of information to bring out brands that meet clients expectation. My skill is vested in branding, graphic services, and print design. I credit Domsetika for their skill imparting platform that has helped shaped my passion for graphic design.
lecturer Christian Pacheco Quinjano (Brand design with Grids) is one of my biggest inspiration



Se unió en enero de 2021