Jose Duque

Jose Duque

China Sourcing and Purchasing Agent

Arona, Spain

Jose Duque

We at IBMH are a Consultancy and Advisory specialists in Purchasing Procurement Management in China that provide professional import services for companies who regularly import products from China without intermediaries.

As a company IBMH works as Outsourcing Purchase Professionals with the main objective of improving the process of importing for all our customers. In our technical buying office in Guangzhou, we make our daily work as China Purchasing Consulting and China Sourcing Agents.

At IBMH, as China Buying Agents or China Purchasing Consultants, we are experts in saving and reducing costs on purchases of Furniture Fittings, Furniture Hardware, Door Hardware, Kitchen Cabinets Hardware, we can also provide Home Furniture, Home Decoration and all Wood products such as MDF, Plywood and many more.

Professional listing

Joined December 2014