James Chapman
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James Chapman

Mánchester, Reino Unido

James Chapman

I'm an illustrator and children's author, based in the UK. Most of my professional work is digital art, but a few years ago (needing a break from staring at the screen) I began practicing using Posca paint markers to create brightly coloured physical pieces of art. These paintings have been shared online to great response and developed a following of their own.

Working with this medium has been so much fun, but it has also helped me grow as an artist. Each picture is a little experiment with composition and colour theory, and over time I've learned the ways to create unique and visually appealing pieces.

Profesor de

  • Sketchbook ilustrado a todo color

    Explora tu imaginación y crea ilustraciones vibrantes con rotuladores acrílicos

    Un curso de James Chapman, Autor e ilustrador

    Gratis por 7 días
    85% Dto. Precio original $39.99USD



Se unió en agosto de 2020