Gabriela Niko
Profesor Plus

Gabriela Niko

Freelance Artist

Cracovia, Polonia

Gabriela Niko

Hi everyone!

My name is Gaby. I am a freelance illustrator and sketchbook artist specializing in portrait art.

I studied design at the Academy of Fine Arts and I have ten years of experience as a Sport Apparel Designer, but decided to leave a large company and devote myself to my greatest passion. In November of 2018 I discovered sketchbook art and portrait drawing, and since then I've been learning it by myself every day.

I create both traditionally and digitally (plus I mix those media) but sketchbook is my favorite and most important tool for everyday studies, development and experiments with art.

Lest's discover the beautiful art of sketchbooks together!

Profesor de

  • Sketchbook de retrato: explora el rostro humano

    Descubre las bases del retrato, aprende a dibujar los rasgos faciales y sigue tu evolución en el cuaderno

    Un curso de Gabriela Niko, Artista

    85% Dto. Precio original $39.99USD
  • Dibujo de retratos llamativos con lápices de colores

    Aprende técnicas de dibujo para llenar tu sketchbook con retratos coloridos y semirrealistas experimentando con sombras y contrastes

    Un curso de Gabriela Niko, Ilustradora y dibujante de sketchbook

    85% Dto. Precio original $39.99USD



Se unió en febrero de 2021