Fernando Alcazar

Fernando Alcazar

Director de Arte

Fernando Alcazar

My name is Fernando Alcázar and I’m a Creative and Art Director from Spain since 1998.
I am currently working in DDB Barcelona.
Another ones that I’ve worked in (employeed/freelance) are, Netsense, grapa.ws, Contrapunto BBDO, Seisgrados, Animal, Greatworks, Doubleyou or KeC.

Some of the brands and projects that I’ve managed are:
Electrolux, Nike, Danone, Audi, Movistar, Bacardi, Catalana Occidente, Veet, Clearasil, Estrella Levante, Sephora, Vanity Fair, Mentos, Clickair, Generalitat de Catalunya, Turisme de Barcelona, CatalunyaCaixa, Henkel, ESADE and Cameo.

2011 - Laus 2011 - Plata - Catalana Occidente - "Gente Sin Miedo"
2010 - Ads Of The World - Bronce - Catalana Occidente “Gente Sin Miedo”
2010 - El Sol - Bronce - Nike "We Are One"
2009 - LPF Festival de Publicidad - Finalist - Nike "We Are One"

2011 - Selected B - Graphic design from Europe (Index Book)
2011 - Select J - Graphic design from Spain (Index Book)
2011 - LetterCult - The Best of 2010
2007 - Belio Magazine
2006 - ROJO Magazine


Perfil profissional

Ingressou em Junho de 2009