Ferchu MN

Ferchu MN

Visual Development Artist

Vancouver, Canadá

Ferchu MN

I’m an artist who loves concept art and stories.

My work is focused in creating backgrounds, working with composition, values (black and white) and colors.
I work traditionally and digitally, working with a variety of styles (realistic, stylized and cartoony), with different mediums like pencil, ink, watercolor, gouache, Photoshop, Illustrator and Sketchbook Pro.
Although I focus on backgrounds and landscapes, I enjoy working with props and characters too.

I’m eager to keep learning and improving at creating and telling stories.
I’m curious, observer and I like to work with new things.
Committed with what I do and doing what I love, I always give the best of me.


Perfil profissional

Instituições de ensino

Ingressou em Setembro de 2017