
Free Download: Crafting Your Coaching Career Path

Gain access to a new downloadable resource from the popular course by Michael Galyon.

Michael Galyon is a well-known coach with years of experience in helping people find clarity and purpose in their lives. His teachings focus on practical strategies and mindful approaches to coaching. If you're new to his work, you might also enjoy his first course on Domestika, "Introduction to Meditation and Daily Mindfulness", which provides essential tools to bring mindfulness into your everyday routine.

Michael Galyon
Michael Galyon

To support your coaching journey, we're offering a helpful free resource from Michael's coaching course: "How To Become a Certified Life Coach". This workbook is designed to help you define your long-term coaching vision while setting short-term and mid-term goals, identifying key milestones in your career, and planning actionable steps to achieve your professional goals.

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Don't miss out on this opportunity to take the first step toward your coaching career. Download this free workbook now and enroll in Michael Galyon's course to unlock your full potential!

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