
Free Download: Photoshop Brushes to Create Manga Characters

Free downloadable photoshop brushes to create your own detailed and expressive manga characters!

Thanks to Catalina Carlesi and her Domestika course “Digital Illustration: Create Manga Characters”, we are happy to offer you a new, free download that contains brushes for photoshop and have been designed to help you create more expressive and detailed manga characters!

Manga Characters

If you are a fan of Manga and have ever thought about how cool it would be to recreate the characters yourself or come up with your own, this is the perfect tool for you. In addition to the brush download, we recommend following along with Catalina’s course, where you will learn to draw expressive manga characters and tell a story through their clothing, accessories, and environment.

Manga Characters
Manga Characters

You can also learn new digital techniques to help you create charismatic illustrations rich in light, color, shadows, and intricate details. Make your fantasy worlds a reality with Procreate and Photoshop!

Photoshop Brush Types
Photoshop Brush Types

Download the brushes below:

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You may also find these links interesting:
Manga Tutorial: Give Eyes Color and Sparkle, an article by @taniidraw
9 Best Anime and Manga Apps, an article by @monicamartinrivas

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