Nice to meet you! It's so awesome to connect with this amazing community, and I'm excited to share the lessons I've learned throughout my career.
I've taken a winding path to get here. I've produced music videos and films, worked as creative director for a record-breaking recording artist, and overseen cultural communications for a top sports apparel company. Through it all, I've approached each project with a focus on brand identity and storytelling.
Currently, I work for Pinterest as Director of Brand Voice. I lead the writing team and collaborate with in-house and agency creatives to bring our brand strategy to life through inspired marketing initiatives.
I live in the Washington, DC area with my partner, daughter and dog. I'm also a voice actor and a meditation teacher—two interests that seem far apart but actually complement each other quite well!
Brand Voice Strategy: Developing Tone and Personality
Connect with your audience by defining your brand's style guidelines, and discover how to infuse your brand voice into all of your marketing and communications
A course by Natasha Clark, Brand Strategist
Buy $0.99USD 96% Disc.Original price $24.99USD
Professional listing
- Natasha Clark – @natashafontaine