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Sculptures en carton pour débutants
Un cours proposé par Laurence Vallières , Sculptrice
Façonnez vos sujets favoris et créez des sculptures en carton de toute taille en jouant avec les formes, les volumes et les échelles
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avis positifs (253)
14 728 élèves
Audio : Anglais, Türkçe
Anglais · Espagnol · Portugais · Allemand · Français · Italien · Polonais · Néerlandais
- 99% avis positifs (253)
- 14 728 élèves
- 13 leçons (2 h 1 min)
- 9 ressources complémentaires (2 fichiers)
- En ligne et à votre rythme
- Disponible sur l'application
- Audio : Anglais, Türkçe
- Anglais · Espagnol · Portugais · Allemand · Français · Italien · Polonais · Néerlandais
- Niveau : Débutant
- Accès illimité pour toujours
O curso "Esculturas em papelão para iniciantes" da Domestika é excelente! A didática da instrutora Laurence Vallières é clara e envolvente, permitindo que até iniciantes consigam criar esculturas incríveis. As técnicas ensinadas são muito bem explicadas e aplicáveis a diversos projetos. Recomendo para quem deseja explorar a arte com papelão de forma criativa e profissional.
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Instruction was clear and easy to follow. Great course, would love to see more.
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What a wonderful course... I want see more courses from her..... Please Domestika do something
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Awesome class and instructor.
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I loved this course. It was exceptional. I can’t say enough about it. Excellent instruction and very inspiring. Thank you for offering this course.
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formidable!! très motivant merci beaucoup
Cours très bien construit. Les étapes sont claires, le professeur a un bon débit et elle donne des trucs d'expérience. J'ai tout apprécié!
Clear instructions and great design. So excited about my new skills!
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PlusThis is an exceptionally brilliant and unusual course to take. I was very interested in this art form as I am a papier-mâché artist and I felt like it could help me in building armature’s. She is very precise and informative and does superb job of teaching her craft if she were to teach a advanced course I would certainly take it.
I am curious as to where to find the form that she spoke of in the last video I do not see a link to that anywhere on this site.
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Very calming creative activity to remember while utilizing minimal supplies.
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Este curso es excelente para los que deseamos aprender sobre escultura, además el material utilizado es por excelencia reciclable y fácil de obtenerlo. Gracias por incluirlo dentro del catálogo de cursos. A la profesora solamente agradecerle por compartir sus conocimientos. Gracias.
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PlusBasit, sade, güzel bir anlatım. Malzemelerin kolay bulunabilmesi bu projeyi yapmaya teşvik ediyor.
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Cours très clair qui permet immédiatement de créer des projets chouettes et ambitieux. Il ouvre un monde de possibles hyper enthousiasmant!
Muy bueno
Con muchos detalles
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PlusMuito bom o curso. A técnica muito interessante e acessível. Instrutora muito clara nas explicações.
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