Sara Novovitch

Sara Novovitch

Graphic + UX/UI Designer

Sevilla, España

Sara Novovitch

Why don't I do only one of the things I like?

Such as "only design", "only photography" or "only video".

There are too many ways to say one same thing. And those ways are like different languages that we all can learn to speak. I love to communicate, therefore I am always trying to master in those different channels, in order to reach more people and tell them what I want to transmit.

It is certain that design is another thing than art, but communication is. Learning how to give a message and make it well received by your listeners, that's the real struggle. Photography might not say anything, and videos can only be informative. But there is the thing, how to make them look like an experience for the spectator?

I guess the real question is: Why ONLY one?



Se unió en septiembre de 2015