Proyecto de curso
My project for course: DIY Miniature House & Furnishing for Beginners
por Wei ✦ Honey Thistle @honeythistle
- 2.232
- 108
- 4
This is the completed niche for my miniature course! I have actually completed a couple versions of it (which you can kind of see based on the different pictures hanging on the wall), and plan to add/modify it a bit further beyond the course. The course will take you through all the steps in creating a niche like this, but the fun part really kicks in when you start customizing it with all of your own personal touches in art, colours, and fabric.
I hope you enjoy the course & I look forward to seeing all the different mini creations :)
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¡Perfecto! Amo.
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Plusno cabe duda que es muy lindo y limpio. Yo siempre tiendo a amontonar muchas cosas a la vez. Se ve hermoso
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