Proyecto de curso
My project for course: Mindful Painting with India Ink
por Celina Rydén @celinaryden
- 99
- 3
- 1
Wow thank you so much for this amazing course! I love how both the Chinese ink and the style challenge me in a completely new way where I’m not comfortable at all! 😅 I’m struggling a lot to remove information and not go into details with everything, but even after just a couple of paintings I notice how my mindset changes and I start to get more minimalistic. This is something that I’ll definitely keep practicing! 😃❤️ Thank you again, loved every second of the course and you are an amazing teacher. ❤️
1 comentario
Profesor PlusEstimada Celina,
Estoy tan feliz de ver sus comentarios. ¡Sigue intentándolo!
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