Mi Proyecto del curso: Creación de cuentos infantiles
por Jenni Hernández @jennihdez
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Quinn is the queen of the BIG round yellow castle in Queensland. She is very bossy and always
speaks with her hand in the air and her pointy finger up, bossing everyone around.
Quinn the queen doesn't want to speak like you or me. She is determined to make everyone speak
the language that she invented: Queenish
Queenish is not just another language, when you see someone speaking it, it looks like a goat
waggling its tongue.
Maybe that's why Quin's pet is an adorable goat called Binky that understands her very well.
After a very long day at school, Quinn decided that she wanted pizza for dinner.
(plizzzzla in her language), so she went to the castle and asked the cook:
- Please, may I have a plizzzzla without blebleblobli please?
- A what?
- A plizzzzla!!! You know what I mean, don't make me repeat it! And remember that I absolutely hate
The cook was completely puzzled at the request, he had no idea what the queen had asked for.
Up in her room, waiting for her plizzzzla Quinn was very anxious and getting upset because the food
hadn’t arrived.
- I am so sorry your majesty, but I have no idea what you are asking for.
- I order you right now that you bring me my plizzzzla or you will no longer be the cook of this castle!
Poor cook run to the kitchen trying to find a clue for her request. He was checking every ingredient
that he could find, but nothing rang a bell.
Thankfully, good adorable Binky came to the rescue: The queen wants piiiiiiiizzzzaaaaaaaaa
Author: Jennifer Hernández 12/2021
The cook´s eyes opened up so bright.
- Of course! Pizza!
So off he went to prepare the most delicious pizza you could imagine. He added some cheese, some
mushrooms, and some pepperoni. It looks so yummy!
- Binky, look! Doesn't this look exquisite?
- Baaaaaa, baaaaa - yelled Binky with disapproving eyes
- Seriously? But it's the most delicious, wonderful and appetizing pizza I have ever made!
- Baaaa, baaaaa - Binky was shaking his head trying to warn the cook.
But the cook didn't put any importance, as he was so proud of his pizza. He went to Quinn's room to
serve her personally.
- What is this?! I told you clearly that I absolutely hate blebleblobli!! - She howled pointing at the
pepperoni. - You are fired! I clearly have to do everything myself to get it done properly. I am going
to make the pizza myself! – She declared.
The problem was that Quinn doesn't know how to do anything. She always has servants, cleaners,
cooks even a nanny doing everything for her. So what was she going to do now that the cook was
Maybe it was time that she learned to do something by herself.
There in the kitchen, Quinn put her apron on and started making the dough. The first time it was
very soggy and sticky. She was a bit upset but she decided to try again.
In the second round, the dough was dry as a dessert and it had a very strange colour.
She was very disappointed, and she realised that she shouldn´t have fired the cook, so she called him
back, apologised to him and asked him to teach her to make plizzzla.
Finally together the put the pizza in the oven.
The clock was ticking, the pizza was cooking and Quinn was very excited.
Will it be nice and tasty? Will it be crunchy? I’m so hungry! I want it to be ready right now!
DIIIINNGG!!! –rings the oven
It was the perfect pizza! Quinn was so happy that she decided to create a weekly “Pizza Day”.
Every week everyone in the castle gather to eat her super-yummy-delicious pizzas and everyone
cheer together:

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Tus proyectos son muy buenos.
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Profesor PlusHola Jenny.
En primer lugar, gracias por compartir tu historia con nosotros.
Me ha gustado tu historia, es humorística y se desarrolla a buen ritmo. Creo que tienes muy buen material e incluso podrías desarrollar más la trama, pero es solo una sugerencia.
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