My project in Handmade Binding without Stitches course
por Sophie Parr @sophieaparr
- 208
- 21
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This project for me began with wanting to develop a new skill, something to improve my well-being, a rest from my role as an art teacher in lockdown. Also as a new string to my bow as an artist (painter).
I have thoroughly enjoyed this course, Suzannah teaches extremely well and pitches it to all levels.
I have made 3 books so far, each one is slightly better made than the last as I learn and I am itching to make my next. As an artist I have lots of paper that I have collected over the years and it is lovely to be able to utilise them in creative ways. This has been a real benefit during lock down as I have only had to buy the essentials (PVA, Magic Tape, paper Cement (Elmer brand), Cardboard, waxed paper, Rice paper. I soon realised that this is something that I will continue to do to support my work so I invested in a folder, cutting mat. I already had a paper cutter which was brilliant to ensure pages were all the same size and square, making light work of it.
I decided to use some papyrus paper that I had brought back from Egypt. I stitched into the darker pieces to reflect the kind of work that will be in the book. The lighter papers I dyed with Quink ink before stitching.
My challenges were:-
- that I am not known for my care, cleanliness and precision! Suzannah's delivery instilled a patient, organised approach which amazingly rubbed off on me.
-I have a laserjet printer so printing on rice paper didn't work, I printed directly onto paper. Note, make sure you have all your images the right way up before you bond.
- squaring up the pages before bonding was the hardest part for me, book 3 is better but I have ordered some 'Positioners' used in joinery from Amazon to see if that makes it easier.

5 comentarios
Profesor Plus¡No te imaginas lo mucho que he disfrutado leyendo tus palabras! ¡Muchísimas gracias! Tu trabajo, tu obra de arte es de lo más inspirador y personalmente me encantan las texturas que creaste. ¡¡Bien hecho!! ¡Mi más sincera enhorabuena y muchas gracias de nuevo por compartir su experiencia con nosotros!
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Gracias por compartir.
Realmente aprecié tu viaje. Realmente me encantan los mapas como las páginas interiores, realmente marca el tono del viaje y el viaje. o espacio / lugar específico. Tu trabajo me inspira, ya que no tengo problema con las tapas, pero es la carne del bocadillo lo que me falta. Su diario de documentación o tabla de estado de ánimo es lo máximo que me llevaré de su viaje. Creo que esto me ayudará a mantenerme concentrado. Gracias de nuevo y saludos desde Australia.
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@susanadominguez gracias. Todavía estoy abriéndome camino en el mundo del arte. ¡No creo que vuelva a comprar un cuaderno de bocetos! Estoy entusiasmado con la perspectiva de desarrollar aún más mis habilidades.
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@cre8tive_t gracias por tomarse el tiempo para comentar y sus amables palabras. Desde el otro lado del mundo también, ¡no tenía idea de que llegaría tan lejos!
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¡increíble trabajo! amo estas texturas. inspirador!
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