bruno saguer

bruno saguer


Barcelona, España

bruno saguer

EYETOK is a mobile video live streaming start-up that enables organizations (media and news companies, brands, music or sports events and venues, etc..) to crowd-source live footage by turning their audiences and followers into co-creators and contributors of their content. We call it video co-live streaming.

With this approach, Eyetok brings a twist to the video live streaming landscape apps, mainly focused on video chat and social models.

> Eyetok covers the gap of User Generated Content, live. We call it UGLC. An easy-to-deploy and cost-effective solution to acquire, filter, manage and publish live footage into their digital platforms: a themed channel on Eyetok, embeded on a web, sharing link into Facebook, Twitter or other social platforms. The solution is a live-mixing web console with a SaaS business model. We call it Eyeland (available on private beta)

> For the end user, Eyetok app (IOS and ANDROID) brings the possibility to reach a broader audience, further than the social environment. If a user’s video is picked and featured live on the channel, the possibility to be relevant is the most engaging.

Besides, we are launching a marketplace, we call it Eyefarm (to be launched soon) and the aim is to “uberize” the production and broadcasting process for companies.

Let's watch the world together, live!

Ficha profesional

Se unió en septiembre de 2013