Hi! I'm Elisa, 49 yo. I live in a small Town in Italy, where I own and run a yarn shop, both bricks-and-mortar and online. Even if my core business is selling yarn and tools and notions for knitting and crochet, the mission of my shop is to teach people to create their own sweaters, accessories and any sort of project with wool and needles. I teach how to knit and crochet, for beginners and "veterans", host workshop with designers and run little workshop of my own. Before Covid I also host a Knit Cafe twice a week, that's becoming a regular meet for a lot of people.
I use to communicate a lot with social; my Instagram profile is @knit_it_easy, that's also the brand I use for my own patterns.
I need to improve my Instagram skills and to give a precise personality to my own brand.
Copywriting: define el tono de tu marca personal
Un curso de Carla Gonzalez
Marketing, Negocios y Escritura
Ficha profesional
- Elisa Emiliani – @elisaemiliani
- www.ilgomitolodietrolangolo.com