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Técnicas narrativas para historias ilustradas
Un curso de Paula Bossio , Autora e ilustradora de libros infantiles
Aprende los principales recursos para narrar e ilustrar tus propios cuentos
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valoraciones positivas (1.2K)
22.121 estudiantes
Audio: Español, Inglés
Español · Inglés · Portugués · Alemán · Francés · Italiano · Polaco · Neerlandés
- 100% valoraciones positivas (1.2K)
- 22.121 estudiantes
- 20 lecciones (4h 11m)
- 29 recursos adicionales (15 archivos)
- Online y a tu ritmo
- Disponible en la app
- Audio: Español, Inglés
- Español · Inglés · Portugués · Alemán · Francés · Italiano · Polaco · Neerlandés
- Nivel: Iniciación
- Acceso ilimitado para siempre
Este curso me encantó. Fue un tema completamente nuevo para mí. Pienso que este curso es muy completo y lleno de gran variedad de recursos e ideas a explorar. Invita a la exploración y a la diversión en el proceso de la creación de un cuento. La instructora es excelente y denota tener gran conocimiento del tema. Lo recomiendo 100%.
Very detail course with lot of examples. Thank a lot!
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I Loved this course. Paula is an excellent instructor. I loved everything about this class, even though I am no where near to the level of expertise she displays. I was motivated to try. I look forward to taking her next class. I definately would recommend this course. Thank you
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много полезен курс
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Im listening to this in english, and I'm so glad that this is an option so I get to see what's on the screen as well as hear the words (reading subtitles I cannot focus on the images as I'm too busy reading the words), but I must say, every now and then the voice over does something very strange and it sounds downright creepy - not sure if it was intentional or not but it is a bit too freaky!!
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PlusO curso e muito bom, ainda não completei todas as etapas mas até agora gostei muito
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Muy completo y sistematizado. Totalmente recomendado
It was very informative; the instructor provided a lot of in-depth explanations and examples. Great course.
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PlusI greatly enjoyed this course. Paula is an terrific illustrator. her many examples and demonstrations of how to tell a story, gave me valuable insights. Thank you Paula.
John from Sydney Australia.
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Very interesting notions of storytelling to have a framework to set stories in without getting lost :)
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great course!
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Me gusto mucho el curso, Gracias
Paula is simply an amazing teacher. This is probably one of the best online classes I've taken, not only on Domestika, but in general. The course is well thought out and each lesson is rich with content. This is the perfect resource for someone that is interested in publishing illustrated books. I wished I could hear more about her take and process for character design... Imagine my happiness when I discovered she had another course that tackled, among other things, that topic!
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This teacher is amazing. I am only halfway through but already ı have learnt so much and made lots of notes. She puts forward so many examples of books and illustration I feel I have gained great insight in children's literature. Absolutely brillant!
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