PUC-RJ | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
347 students
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347 students
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Among PUC-RJ | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro students
Domestika Basics 6 courses
Best seller Adobe Photoshop for Web Design
By Arturo Servín
Learn to easily design and lay out responsive websites
- 15100
- 99% (352)
Best seller Content Creation for Instagram: Make a Monthly Calendar
A course by Adele Chiabodo
Learn how to efficiently and seamlessly manage your Instagram profile by setting up a monthly content calendar with your brand objectives
- 6225
- 98% (214)
Best seller Professional Woodworking for Beginners
A course by Patricio Ortega (Maderística)
Learn the concepts, techniques, and tools to start woodworking like an expert
- 127437
- 99% (4.1K)
Best seller Writing a Psychological Thriller
A course by Emily Barr
Learn creative writing techniques to bring mysterious stories to life that grab the reader’s attention from the first page
- 8316
- 97% (238)