This is so cool the character feel natural in the scene and with the lighting in the environment. Overall I think you did a really cool job. Honestly I don’t know if I have a whole lot to say other than keep painting and keep mastering your craft! I think the one suggestion I might offer is possibly creating just a little more contrast between the character and the background. Some parts of the character like the legs blend in quite a bit with the bg so I wonder if a shift in color or even a subtle blue to the bg might help. Either way just a thought. Keep up the great work 👍🏽👍🏽
1 comment
Teacher PlusThis is so cool the character feel natural in the scene and with the lighting in the environment. Overall I think you did a really cool job. Honestly I don’t know if I have a whole lot to say other than keep painting and keep mastering your craft! I think the one suggestion I might offer is possibly creating just a little more contrast between the character and the background. Some parts of the character like the legs blend in quite a bit with the bg so I wonder if a shift in color or even a subtle blue to the bg might help. Either way just a thought. Keep up the great work 👍🏽👍🏽
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