Oppo: Birdsnest
by Laurie Rowan @laulrowan
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Created as part of Oppo's short-form Reno 2 campaign, this film focuses on the turbulent domestic relationship between two birds, and the word Reno.
The advert is a total of 10 seconds and I wanted to pack in a relatively detailed narrative; the arrival of a bird with a twig, a domestic row, the disruption to the eggs which then crack and reveal the brand. For that reason a large part of my design consideration revolved around simplicity. I reduced my landscape and characters into their most basic iconographic forms to be read easily. On my birds I decided their main mode of expression would be the eyes, so I enlarged these to make them the most prominent feature and had them dominate the composition.
The animation was created in 3Ds Max, textural animation in After Effects and preparatory work in lllustrator.
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