I like to start with lots of options and with a nice color background. (I can always change the color)
Simple cut paper shape for head. I have a round face. Don't worry too much about being 'exact' here.
The relationship between head and torso and length of neck (if there is any) influence the likeness a lot!
Have many objects on the surface. So happy accidents start happening.
Even more!
Things start to fall in place. But this does not look like my nose. (no button nose for me)
This one has a better shape. (+ adds suggestions of personal and universal content - goes beyond the obvious)
This tiny pencils are too wimpy for my beard.
I need something with more weight there like this object.
And the pencils work better as the little hair flocks I still have up there.
Loud mouth option?
This is the time for tiny improvements. This bead works better as my right eye.
And dark eyebrows add now more expression and help likeness.
Adding glue gun suggests action, content and communicates who this guy is and what he does.
Final piece without gun - I actually needed the hot glue gun to continue working. :)
Looks like me?
Teacher PlusI hope my students will also document their own process as well. We are all attracted to the human face and human facial expression and it is always fun to see the evolution of a creation of a face.
And it'll be cool to have a reference to what you 'really' look like. :-)
I already have an idea !!! For my profile portrait, for a final project this course or for my profolio, which one do you recommend? :)
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Teacher Plus@aivlis8890 Auto-retrato of course !!
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