Paleta viajera Pistacho
by Florencia Alvarez Brunel @florenalvarezbrunel
- 446
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Paleta de doce colores metalizados, mas papel de acuarela y un paño para descargar el pincel
Palette of twelve metallic colors, plus watercolor paper and a cloth to unload the brush.
Son doce cáscaras de pistacho imantadas, cada paleta tiene su carta de color
Twelve magnetized pistachio shells, each palette has its own color chart.
Y debajo de la misma hay hojitas de papel de acuarela sostenidas por un imán de neodimio
And underneath are sheets of watercolor paper held in place by a neodymium magnet.
La acuarela desde sus inicios ha sido el material por excelencia para pintar al aire libre, por su pequeño formato pero alto rendimiento es ideal para llevar como pintura de bolsillo. En mi búsqueda de hacer paletas sustentables con materiales reciclados se me ocurrió que las cáscaras de pistacho podía ser un contenedor excelente! y asi nacieron las paletitas viajera Pistacho, en este caso de doce vibrantes colores metalizados.
Since its beginnings, watercolor has been the material of excellence for painting outdoors; because of its small format but high performance, it is ideal to carry as pocket paint. In my quest to make sustainable palettes with recycled materials, I realized that pistachio shells could be an excellent container! And so the Pistachio traveling palettes were born, in this case, with twelve vibrant metallic colors.
Awesome :) I have used seashells and apricot seed shells in the past. Pistaccio is interesting option for smaller size :)) Have a great day :)
Teacher Plus@athie How cute! Sorry, I just saw your comment.
There are so many things that can be used to put watercolor on, it's so fun to imagine options ❤️
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