Graphite Portrait of John Lennon - Retrato a lápiz de John Lennon
by Carla Angelini @carlaangelini
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Retrato a grafito y carbonilla de John Lennon.
Decidí hacer este retrato luego de haber realizado anteriormente con la misma técnica, un retrato de George Harrison. Esta vez quise enfrentar un nuevo desafío utilizando solamente algunas lineas guía y no una cuadrícula como venía haciendo anteriormente. Marqué las lineas principales y fui buscando coincidencias en cómo estaban alineadas las diferentes partes de su cara. Una vez que tenía el contorno, empecé marcando las sombras con lápices más duros (2H, 4H) para poder borrar fácilmente. Luego fui dándole más contraste y esfumando con lápices más blandos (desde 2B a 9B para las partes más oscuras) y hasta con carbonilla. Para realizar la barba y el cabello utilicé gomas de portamina para lograr más detalles. Y finalmente este fue el resultado! Espero que les guste!
Graphite and charcoal portrait of John Lennon.
I decided to do this portrait after having previously done a portrait of George Harrison with the same technique. This time I wanted to face a new challenge using only some guide lines and not a grid as I had been doing before. I marked the main lines and looked for matches in how the different parts of his face were aligned. Once I had the outline, I started giving it more shadows with harder pencils (2H, 4H) so I could erase them easily. Then I added more contrast with softer pencils (from 2B to 9B for the darker parts) and also with charcoal. To make the beard and the hair I used mechanical pencil erasers to achieve more details. And finally this was the result! I hope you like it!
Staff PlusI love it!!! Thank you so much for sharing the process.
@miguelon Thank you very much Miguel!
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PlusNicely done!
PlusThe details in your portrait are incredible. Thanks for sharing!
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Incredible, very detailed.
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@carmenmouraao thank you very much ♥
@rodlovell thank you very much :)
@etchprint thank you very much :)
How did you achieve that smooth texture? Is it part of your drawing style or is it because of the weight of the paper?
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It is good to hear that your store is now expanding to new locations. I have been a patron of Fantastic Eyes because of all the wonderful work that you guys do. the fall guy ryan gosling golden coat I hope that this expansion move of yours will turn out to be successful. I will definitely go and see this new store of yours Thank you.
Gorgeous work - really well done!
@cjaquint Thank you very much ♥ I'm glad you liked it!
@beelzebaberuthless I think it is due to the weight of the paper, added to a certain texture that was generated in some parts when removing material with the rubber to create certain effects (hair, beard, pores, etc.)
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