LOST BOYS / Los Angeles 1990-98
by Juanma Carrillo @juanmacarrillo
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LOST BOYS / Los Angeles 1990-98
Primera serie generada y post-producida con diferentes herramientas de IA, dedicada a un grupo de personajes inventados que andan perdidos y que venden su cuerpo por poco dinero en circunstancias algo deprimentes.
"Scorts" no profesionales retratados en No lugares comunes como pueden ser cafeterias, restaurantes o parkings abandonados.
He decidido explorar las vidas que hay detrás de cada de uno de los personajes, otorgándoles solamente un nombre, una edad y un precio, dejando así que sea el espectador el que imagine las circunstancias que han llevado a cada uno a llevar ese tipo de vida.
En general son perdedores ignorados por la sociedad, pero quiero comprobar si han sido igual a lo largo de la historia teniendo en cuenta la época y la localización, para esta primera parte, no podía ser otro lugar que no fuera California años 90, y más concretamente Los Angeles y barrios como Boyle Heights, Sunset Boulevard y sobretodo Los Angeles Downtown.
Pluswow your creativity blew my mind!! congratulations
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Teacher Plus@lubpaso How cool that you like it so much! I'm really trying to be as creative as I can with the AI!
Thank you
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PlusThe graphic work and the concept behind the project are super good, but if you look closely, all the characters could perfectly be models for some Levis advertisement. In reality, the losers of society are nothing like them. Look at this very interesting work: https://www.infobae.com/tecno/2023/04/01/ai-retrato-famosos-como-elon-musk-beyonce-will-smith-como-si-vivieran-en-la-pobreza/
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Teacher Plus@gabrielfariasaular Hey Gabriel, maybe you're right, but really the cinema and art that inspires me in general and in particular for this series are artists like Larry Clark or Philip Lorca-Dicorcia or the filmmakers Gus Van Sant and Greg Araki, (I talk about all of them in my course by the way), all of them could have signed spots for Lewis in those years being quite punk! It is true that I could have made them more dirty, in fact my first creations of AI boys were much more dirty but less realistic!
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This work is a work done with an AI, excuse me, but it is extremely easy to realize that it is so
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Teacher Plus@ulisesoviedo38 of course! And so it puts it in the text of the project description!
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@ulisesoviedo38 "First series generated and post-produced with different AI tools"
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