Public Speaking: touch your audience though your voice
by Inga Paulsen @ingapaulsen_
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In August I shared my specific knowledge about working with keynote speakers with colleagues at the PEVoC. We exchanged ideas and discussed how training methods can be used efficiently. Tallinn is also a beautiful city. Have you been to there?
Because you are certainly curious about my workshop topic, I am making my lineage available to you:
Public Speaking: Arouse true feelings with your voice
In this workshop I will share with you my important tools in my work with entrepreneurs and speakers for touching public speaking.
Moved to tears - inspired and motivated to the bones - stomachaches from laughing. Emotions remind us to be human. When speakers express themselves authentically, approachably and clearly, sympathy arises in the audience because the vulnerability shown creates a sense of togetherness. The dynamic parameters of speech and voice are crucial for 100% authenticity.
The 4 most important tools to call up real emotions when speaking:
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During the workshop we want to try out the tools in practice, apply them and exchange experiences
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